Below are the list of errors and their significance in Dynamics 365 CRM.
Name: AccessDenied Hex: 80048405 Number: -2147187707
Access is denied.
Name: AccessDeniedSharePointRecord Hex: 80060904 Number: -2147088124
Access denied on SharePoint record in Dynamics 365.
Name: AccessTokenExpired Hex: 8005F101 Number: -2147094271
The requested resource requires authentication.
Name: AccountDoesNotExist Hex: 80040502 Number: -2147220222
Account does not exist.
Name: AccountLoopBeingCreated Hex: 80040507 Number: -2147220217
Creating this parental association would create a loop in Accounts hierarchy.
Name: AccountLoopExists Hex: 80040506 Number: -2147220218
Loop exists in the accounts hierarchy.
Name: ActionCardDisabledError Hex: 80071100 Number: -2147020544
Action Card feature is not enabled.
Name: ActionCardInvalidStateCodeException Hex: 80071103 Number: -2147020541
Invalid state code passed in expression.
Name: ActionStepInvalidPipelineStageid Hex: 8006040e Number: -2147089394
ActionStep references invalid Pipeline Stage Id.
Name: ActionStepInvalidProcessid Hex: 8006040d Number: -2147089395
ActionStep references invalid Process Id.
Name: ActionStepInvalidStageid Hex: 8006040c Number: -2147089396
ActionStep references invalid Stage Id.
Name: ActivePropertyValidationFailed Hex: 80061001 Number: -2147086335
You can’t create a property instance for an inactive property.
Name: ActiveQueueItemAlreadyExists Hex: 80040526 Number: -2147220186
An active queue item already exists for the given object. Cannot create more than one active queue item for this object.
Name: ActiveSlaCannotEdit Hex: 8004F871 Number: -2147157903
You can’t edit an active SLA. Deactivate the SLA, and then try editing it.
Name: ActivityAnalysisOrganizationUpdateError Hex: 80044275 Number: -2147204491
Relationship Analytics organization setting can only be enabled if Relationship Analytics solution is installed.
Name: ActivityCannotHaveRelatedActivities Hex: 8004F121 Number: -2147159775
A custom entity defined as an activity must not have a relationship with Activities.
Name: ActivityEntityCannotBeActivityParty Hex: 80048501 Number: -2147187455
An activity entity cannot be also an activity party
Name: ActivityInvalidObjectTypeCode Hex: 80043513 Number: -2147207917
An Invalid type code was specified by the throwing method
Name: ActivityInvalidSessionToken Hex: 80043512 Number: -2147207918
An Invalid session token was passed into the throwing method
Name: ActivityMetadataUpdate Hex: 8004F126 Number: -2147159770
The metadata specified for activity is invalid.
Name: ActivityMustHaveRelatedNotes Hex: 8004F123 Number: -2147159773
A custom entity defined as an activity must have a relationship to Notes by default.
Name: ActivityPartyObjectTypeNotAllowed Hex: 80043506 Number: -2147207930
Cannot create activity party of specified object type.
Name: AdminProfileCannotBeEditedOrDeleted Hex: 8004F50C Number: -2147158772
The System Administrator field security profile cannot be modified or deleted.
Name: AdvancedSimilarityAzureSearchUnexpectedError Hex: 80061696 Number: -2147084650
An unexpected error occurred executing the search. Try again later.
Name: AggregateInnerQuery Hex: 8004D2B1 Number: -2147167567
The Inner Query must not be an aggregate query.
Name: AggregateQueryRecordLimitExceeded Hex: 8004E023 Number: -2147164125
The maximum record limit is exceeded. Reduce the number of records.
Name: AlreadyLinkedToAnotherAttribute Hex: 8004F0FE Number: -2147159810
Given linked attribute is alreadly linked to other attribute.
Name: ApplicationMetadataConverterFailed Hex: 8005F231 Number: -2147093967
Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app.
Name: ApplicationMetadatadaCreateFailed Hex: 8005F233 Number: -2147093965
Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app.
Name: ApplicationMetadatadaNullData Hex: 8005F232 Number: -2147093966
Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app.
Name: ApplicationMetadatadaUpdateFailed Hex: 8005F234 Number: -2147093964
Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app.
Name: ApplicationMetadataFailedWithContinue Hex: 8005F241 Number: -2147093951
There was a problem with the server configuration changes. You can continue using the application, but may experience difficulties, including the inability to save changes. Please contact your Dynamics 365 administrator and give them the information available in ‘more information’.
Name: ApplicationMetadataGetPreviewMetadataUnknownError Hex: 8005F230 Number: -2147093968
Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app.
Name: ApplicationMetadataPrepareCustomizationsAppLock Hex: 8005F237 Number: -2147093961
We encountered some issues when we tried to prepare your customizations for your users. Users on some clients won’t be able to download your customization updates until this issue is resolved.
Name: ApplicationMetadataPrepareCustomizationsRetrieverError Hex: 8005F235 Number: -2147093963
There was a problem with the server configuration changes. Users can continue using the application, but may experience difficulties, including the inability to save changes.
Name: ApplicationMetadataPrepareCustomizationsTimeout Hex: 8005F236 Number: -2147093962
Sorry, but your client customization changes could not be processed. This may be due to a large number of entities enabled for your users, or the number of languages enabled. Users will not receive customizations until this issue is resolved.
Name: ApplicationMetadataPrepareCustomizationsUnknownError Hex: 8005F226 Number: -2147093978
Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app.
Name: ApplicationMetadataRetrieveUnknownError Hex: 8005F229 Number: -2147093975
Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app.
Name: ApplicationMetadataRetrieveUserContextUnknownError Hex: 8005F227 Number: -2147093977
Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app.
Name: ApplicationMetadataSyncAppLock Hex: 8005F244 Number: -2147093948
Sorry, your server is busy so configurations can’t be downloaded right now. Your changes should be available in a few minutes. Wait a few minutes, and sign in again.
Name: ApplicationMetadataSyncAppLockWithContinue Hex: 8005F245 Number: -2147093947
Sorry, your server is busy so configuration changes can’t be downloaded right now. Your changes should be available in a few minutes. In the meantime, you can continue using the app, and you’ll be reminded later to try downloading the changes. Or, you can wait a few minutes, restart the app, and accept the prompt to try again.
Name: ApplicationMetadataSyncFailed Hex: 8005F240 Number: -2147093952
There was a problem with the server configuration changes. We are unable to load the application, please contact your Dynamics 365 administrator.
Name: ApplicationMetadataSyncTimeout Hex: 8005F242 Number: -2147093950
Sorry, but your server configuration changes could not be downloaded. This may be due to a slow connection, or due to a large number of entities enabled for mobile use. Please verify your connection and try again. If this issue continues please contact your Dynamics 365 administrator.
Name: ApplicationMetadataSyncTimeoutWithContinue Hex: 8005F243 Number: -2147093949
Sorry, but your server configuration changes could not be downloaded. This may be due to a slow connection, or due to a large number of entities enabled for mobile use. Please verify your connection and try again. You can continue to use the app with the older configuration, however you may experience problems including errors when saving. If this issue continues please contact your Dynamics 365 administrator.
Name: ApplicationMetadataSyncUnknownError Hex: 8005F228 Number: -2147093976
Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app.
Name: ApplicationMetadataUserValidationUnknownError Hex: 8005F225 Number: -2147093979
Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again, or restart the app.
Name: ApplicationNotRegisteredWithDeployment Hex: 80041d49 Number: -2147214007
Application needs to be registered and enabled at deployment level before it can be created for this organization
Name: ApplicationUserAllowCustomRoleOnly Hex: 8004F50F Number: -2147158769
Application user must have a custom security role. Role = {0} can not be assigned to Application UserId = {1}
Name: ApplicationUserCannotBeUpdated Hex: 80041d48 Number: -2147214008
The user representing an OAuth application cannot not be updated
Name: AppLockTimeout Hex: 8004Ed47 Number: -2147160761
Timeout expired before applock could be acquired.
Name: ApplyActiveSLAOnly Hex: 80055001 Number: -2147135487
You can only apply active service level agreements (SLAs) to cases.
Name: AppModuleComponentEntityMustHaveFormOrView Hex: 80050115 Number: -2147155691
The entity “{0}” must have at least one form or view in the app.
Name: AppModuleFeatureNotEnabled Hex: 80050117 Number: -2147155689
The feature isn’t turned on for this organization.
Name: AppModuleNotContainMOCAEnabledEntity Hex: 80050118 Number: -2147155688
App Module with MOCA as a supported client should have at least one MOCA enabled entity
Name: AppModuleNotReferEntity Hex: 8005011D Number: -2147155683
App Module does not reference at least one entity
Name: AppModulesImportError Hex: 80050123 Number: -2147155677
An error occurred while importing App Modules
Name: AppointmentDeleted Hex: 8004E106 Number: -2147163898
The appointment entity instance is already deleted.
Name: AppointmentScheduleNotSet Hex: 80040275 Number: -2147220875
Scheduled End and Scheduled Start must be set for Appointments in order to sync with Outlook.
Name: ArgumentDirectionMismatch Hex: 80060388 Number: -2147089528
Direction mismatch for argument {0}.
Name: ArgumentTypeMismatch Hex: 80060387 Number: -2147089529
Type mismatch for argument {0}.
Name: ArrayMappingFoundForSingletonParameter Hex: 8004037f Number: -2147220609
An array transformation parameter mapping is defined for a single parameter.
Name: ArticleIsPublished Hex: 800404fe Number: -2147220226
The article cannot be updated or deleted because it is in published state
Name: AssociateProductFailureDifferentUom Hex: 80061040 Number: -2147086272
The product can’t be added to the bundle. You have to use a product unit that belongs to the unit group of the product.
Name: AssociationRoleOrdinalInvalid Hex: 80048468 Number: -2147187608
The association role ordinal is not valid – it must be 1 or 2.
Name: AsyncCommunicationError Hex: 80044307 Number: -2147204345
A communication error occurred while processing the async operation.
Name: AsyncNetworkError Hex: 80044306 Number: -2147204346
An error occurred while accessing the network.
Name: AsyncOperationCannotCancel Hex: 80044F00 Number: -2147201280
This system job cannot be canceled.
Name: AsyncOperationCannotDeleteUnlessCompleted Hex: 8004416a Number: -2147204758
Cannot delete async operation unless it is in Completed state.
Name: AsyncOperationCannotPause Hex: 80044F01 Number: -2147201279
This system job cannot be paused.
Name: AsyncOperationCannotUpdateNonrecurring Hex: 80044168 Number: -2147204760
Cannot update recurrence pattern for a job that is not recurring.
Name: AsyncOperationCannotUpdateRecurring Hex: 80044169 Number: -2147204759
Cannot update recurrence pattern for a job type that is not supported.
Name: AsyncOperationInvalidStateChange Hex: 80044162 Number: -2147204766
The target state could not be set because the state transition is not valid.
Name: AsyncOperationInvalidStateChangeToComplete Hex: 80044165 Number: -2147204763
The target state could not be set to complete because the state transition is not valid.
Name: AsyncOperationInvalidStateChangeToReady Hex: 80044166 Number: -2147204762
The target state could not be set to ready because the state transition is not valid.
Name: AsyncOperationInvalidStateChangeToSuspended Hex: 80044167 Number: -2147204761
The target state could not be set to suspended because the state transition is not valid.
Name: AsyncOperationInvalidStateChangeUnexpected Hex: 80044163 Number: -2147204765
The target state could not be set because the state was changed by another process.
Name: AsyncOperationMissingId Hex: 80044164 Number: -2147204764
The AsyncOperationId is required to do the update.
Name: AsyncOperationPostponed Hex: 80040328 Number: -2147220696
This operation has been postponed because it failed for more than {0} times in {1} minutes
Name: AsyncOperationSuspendedOrLocked Hex: 80040339 Number: -2147220679
>A background job associated with this import is either suspended or locked. In order to delete this import, in the Workplace, click Imports, open the import, click System Jobs, and resume any suspended jobs.
Name: AsyncOperationTypeIsNotRecognized Hex: 80044303 Number: -2147204349
The operation type of the async operation was not recognized.
Name: AttachmentBlocked Hex: 80043e09 Number: -2147205623
The attachment is either not a valid type or is too large. It cannot be uploaded or downloaded.
Name: AttachmentInvalidFileName Hex: 80044a08 Number: -2147202552
Attachment file name contains invalid characters.
Name: AttachmentNotFound Hex: 80048493 Number: -2147187565
The reference to the attachment couldn’t be found.
Name: AttachmentNotRelatedToEmail Hex: 80050006 Number: -2147155962
This attachment does not belong to an email.
Name: AttributeCannotBeUpdated Hex: 80060413 Number: -2147089389
Attribute – {0} cannot be updated for a Business Process Flow
Name: AttributeCannotBeUsedInAggregate Hex: 80060559 Number: -2147089063
The {0} attribute cannot be used with an aggregation function in a formula.
Name: AttributeDeprecated Hex: 80044335 Number: -2147204299
“Attribute ‘{0}’ on entity ‘{1}’ is deprecated.”
Name: AttributeDoesNotSupportLocalizedLabels Hex: 80044198 Number: -2147204712
The specified attribute does not support localized labels.
Name: AttributeFormulaDefinitionIsEmpty Hex: 80060439 Number: -2147089351
The formula is empty.
Name: AttributeIsNotCustomAttribute Hex: 80047009 Number: -2147192823
The specified attribute is not a custom attribute
Name: AttributeIsNotFacetable Hex: 80060305 Number: -2147089659
Cannot set user search facets for entity {0} as attribute {1} is not facetable. Kindly remove it from the list to proceed.
Name: AttributeNotCreatedForOfficeGraphError Hex: 80044237 Number: -2147204553
This attribute cannot be created since support to enable attribute for officegraph is not available.
Name: AttributeNotOfTypePicklist Hex: 8004033c Number: -2147220676
This attribute is not mapped to a drop-down list, Boolean, or state/status attribute. However, you have included a ListValueMap element for it. Fix this inconsistency, and then import this data map again.
Name: AttributeNotOfTypeReference Hex: 80040390 Number: -2147220592
This attribute is not mapped as a reference attribute. However, you have included a ReferenceMap for it. Fix this inconsistency, and then import this data map again.
Name: AttributeNotSecured Hex: 8004F508 Number: -2147158776
One or more fields are not enabled for field level security. Field level security is not enabled until you publish the customizations.
Name: AttributeNotUpdatedForOfficeGraphError Hex: 80044238 Number: -2147204552
This attribute cannot be updated since support to enable attribute for officegraph is not available.
Name: AttributePermissionIsInvalid Hex: 8004F50E Number: -2147158770
Permission ‘{0}’ for field ‘{1}’ with id={2} is invalid.
Name: AttributePermissionReadIsMissing Hex: 8004F504 Number: -2147158780
The user does not have read permissions to a secured field. The requested operation could not be completed.
Name: AttributePermissionUpdateIsMissingDuringShare Hex: 8004F503 Number: -2147158781
The user does not have update permissions to a secured field. The requested operation could not be completed.
Name: AttributePermissionUpdateIsMissingDuringUpdate Hex: 8004F507 Number: -2147158777
The user doesn’t have AttributePrivilegeUpdate and not granted shared access for a secured attribute during update operation
Name: AttributePrivilegeCreateIsMissing Hex: 8004F502 Number: -2147158782
The user does not have create permissions to a secured field. The requested operation could not be completed.
Name: AttributePrivilegeInvalidToUnsecure Hex: 8004F50D Number: -2147158771
You must have sufficient permissions for a secured field before you can change its field level security.
Name: AttributesExceeded Hex: 80061501 Number: -2147085055
Attributes cannot be more than 4
Name: AttributeSharingCreateDuplicate Hex: 8004F50B Number: -2147158773
Attribute has already been shared.
Name: AttributeSharingCreateShouldSetReadOrAndUpdateAccess Hex: 8004F509 Number: -2147158775
You must set read and/or update access when you share a secured attribute. Attribute ID: {0}
Name: AttributeSharingUpdateInvalid Hex: 8004F50A Number: -2147158774
Both readAccess and updateAccess are false: call Delete instead of Update.
Name: AuthenticateToServerBeforeRequestingProxy Hex: 8004D228 Number: -2147167704
Authenticate to serverType: {0} before requesting a proxy.
Name: AutoDataCaptureAuthorizationFailureException Hex: 80091042 Number: -2146889662
You don’t have the proper Office 365 license to get untracked emails. Please contact your system administrator.
Name: AutoDataCaptureDisabledError Hex: 80091041 Number: -2146889663
Auto capture feature is not enabled.
Name: AutoDataCaptureResponseRetrievalFailureException Hex: 80091043 Number: -2146889661
Error while fetching untracked emails from Exchange.
Name: AzureApplicationIdNotFound Hex: 8004F510 Number: -2147158768
We didn’t find that application ID {0} in your Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). Make sure your application is registered in Azure AD.
Name: AzureApplicationIdNotFoundInOrgDB Hex: 8004F512 Number: -2147158766
Azure applicationid not found. We didn’t find the application ID {0} in your CRM database. Correct the application ID and resubmit the update.
Name: AzureOperationResponseTimedOut Hex: 80061635 Number: -2147084747
An Azure operation request did not return a response within stated timeout period. Retry the operation or increase timeout provided for the operation.
Name: AzureRecommendationModelBuildNotExist Hex: 80061604 Number: -2147084796
The Azure recommendation model build corresponding to the used model version doesn’t exist.
Name: AzureRecommendationModelNotExist Hex: 80061603 Number: -2147084797
The Azure recommendation model doesn’t exist.
Name: AzureServiceConnectionCascadeDeleteFailed Hex: 80061636 Number: -2147084746
One or more models use the connection. Delete all models using this connection, and try deleting the connection again.
Name: AzureServiceConnectionInvalidUri Hex: 80061630 Number: -2147084752
Provide a valid service URL.
Name: BadAuthTicket Hex: 8004A102 Number: -2147180286
The ticket specified for authentication is invalid
Name: BadRequest Hex: 8005F100 Number: -2147094272
The request could not be understood by the server.
Name: BaseAttributeNameNotPresentError Hex: 80044240 Number: -2147204544
BaseAttribute name should be present in condition xml.
Name: BaseCurrencyCannotBeDeactivated Hex: 80048cf4 Number: -2147185420
The base currency cannot be deactivated.
Name: BaseCurrencyNotDeletable Hex: 80048cff Number: -2147185409
The base currency of an organization cannot be deleted.
Name: BaseCurrencyOverflow Hex: 80048cec Number: -2147185428
The exchange rate set for the currency specified in this record has generated a value for {0} that is larger than the maximum allowed for the base currency ({1}).
Name: BaseCurrencyUnderflow Hex: 80048ceb Number: -2147185429
The exchange rate set for the currency specified in this record has generated a value for {0} that is smaller than the minimum allowed for the base currency ({1}).
Name: BaseMatchingAttributeNotSameError Hex: 80044245 Number: -2147204539
Base and Matching attribute should be of same type.
Name: BaseUnitDoesNotExist Hex: 80043b1c Number: -2147206372
The base unit does not exist.
Name: BaseUnitNotDeletable Hex: 80043b03 Number: -2147206397
The base unit of a schedule cannot be deleted.
Name: BaseUnitNotNull Hex: 80043b17 Number: -2147206377
Do not use a base unit as the value for a primary unit. This value should always be null.
Name: BaseUomNameNotSpecified Hex: 80043810 Number: -2147207152
baseuomname not specified
Name: BDK_E_ADDRESS_VALIDATION_FAILURE Hex: 8004B540 Number: -2147175104
Name: BDK_E_AGREEMENT_ALREADY_SIGNED Hex: 8004B541 Number: -2147175103
Name: BDK_E_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED Hex: 8004B542 Number: -2147175102
Name: BDK_E_AVS_FAILED Hex: 8004B543 Number: -2147175101
Name: BDK_E_BAD_CITYNAME_LENGTH Hex: 8004B544 Number: -2147175100
Name: BDK_E_BAD_STATECODE_LENGTH Hex: 8004B545 Number: -2147175099
Name: BDK_E_BAD_ZIPCODE_LENGTH Hex: 8004B546 Number: -2147175098
Name: BDK_E_BADXML Hex: 8004B547 Number: -2147175097
Name: BDK_E_BANNED_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT Hex: 8004B548 Number: -2147175096
Name: BDK_E_BANNEDPERSON Hex: 8004B549 Number: -2147175095
Name: BDK_E_CANNOT_EXCEED_MAX_OWNERSHIP Hex: 8004B54A Number: -2147175094
Name: BDK_E_COUNTRY_CURRENCY_PI_MISMATCH Hex: 8004B54B Number: -2147175093
Name: BDK_E_CREDIT_CARD_EXPIRED Hex: 8004B54C Number: -2147175092
Name: BDK_E_DATE_EXPIRED Hex: 8004B54D Number: -2147175091
Name: BDK_E_ERROR_COUNTRYCODE_MISMATCH Hex: 8004B54E Number: -2147175090
Name: BDK_E_ERROR_COUNTRYCODE_REQUIRED Hex: 8004B54F Number: -2147175089
Name: BDK_E_EXTRA_REFERRAL_DATA Hex: 8004B550 Number: -2147175088
Name: BDK_E_GUID_EXISTS Hex: 8004B551 Number: -2147175087
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_ADDRESS_ID Hex: 8004B552 Number: -2147175086
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_BILLABLE_ACCOUNT_ID Hex: 8004B553 Number: -2147175085
{0} The specified Billing account is invalid. Or, although the objectID is of the correct type, the account it identifies does not exist in the system.
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_BUF_SIZE Hex: 8004B554 Number: -2147175084
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_CATEGORY_NAME Hex: 8004B555 Number: -2147175083
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_COUNTRY_CODE Hex: 8004B556 Number: -2147175082
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_CURRENCY Hex: 8004B557 Number: -2147175081
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_CUSTOMER_TYPE Hex: 8004B558 Number: -2147175080
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_DATE Hex: 8004B559 Number: -2147175079
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_EMAIL_ADDRESS Hex: 8004B55A Number: -2147175078
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_FILTER Hex: 8004B55B Number: -2147175077
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_GUID Hex: 8004B55C Number: -2147175076
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_INPUT_TO_TAXWARE_OR_VERAZIP Hex: 8004B55D Number: -2147175075
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_LOCALE Hex: 8004B55E Number: -2147175074
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_OBJECT_ID Hex: 8004B55F Number: -2147175073
{0} The Billing system cannot find the object (e.g. account or subscription or offering).
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_OFFERING_GUID Hex: 8004B560 Number: -2147175072
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_STATUS Hex: 8004B561 Number: -2147175071
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_PAYMENT_METHOD_ID Hex: 8004B562 Number: -2147175070
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_PHONE_TYPE Hex: 8004B563 Number: -2147175069
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_POLICY_ID Hex: 8004B564 Number: -2147175068
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_REFERRALDATA_XML Hex: 8004B565 Number: -2147175067
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_STATE_FOR_COUNTRY Hex: 8004B566 Number: -2147175066
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID Hex: 8004B567 Number: -2147175065
{0} The subscription id specified is invalid. Or, although the objectID is of correct type and also points to a valid account in SCS, the subscription it identifies does not exist in SCS.
Name: BDK_E_INVALID_TAX_EXEMPT_TYPE Hex: 8004B568 Number: -2147175064
Name: BDK_E_MEG_CONFLICT Hex: 8004B569 Number: -2147175063
Name: BDK_E_MULTIPLE_CITIES_FOUND Hex: 8004B56A Number: -2147175062
Name: BDK_E_MULTIPLE_COUNTIES_FOUND Hex: 8004B56B Number: -2147175061
Name: BDK_E_NON_ACTIVE_ACCOUNT Hex: 8004B56C Number: -2147175060
Name: BDK_E_NOPERMISSION Hex: 8004B56D Number: -2147175059
{0} The calling partner does not have access to this method or when the requester does not have permission to search against the supplied search PUID.
Name: BDK_E_OBJECT_ROLE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Hex: 8004B56E Number: -2147175058
Name: BDK_E_OFFERING_ACCOUNT_CURRENCY_MISMATCH Hex: 8004B56F Number: -2147175057
Name: BDK_E_OFFERING_COUNTRY_ACCOUNT_MISMATCH Hex: 8004B570 Number: -2147175056
Name: BDK_E_OFFERING_NOT_PURCHASEABLE Hex: 8004B571 Number: -2147175055
Name: BDK_E_OFFERING_PAYMENT_INSTRUMENT_MISMATCH Hex: 8004B572 Number: -2147175054
Name: BDK_E_OFFERING_REQUIRES_PI Hex: 8004B573 Number: -2147175053
Name: BDK_E_PARTNERNOTINBILLING Hex: 8004B574 Number: -2147175052
Name: BDK_E_PAYMENT_PROVIDER_CONNECTION_FAILED Hex: 8004B575 Number: -2147175051
Name: BDK_E_POLICY_DEAL_COUNTRY_MISMATCH Hex: 8004B577 Number: -2147175049
Name: BDK_E_PRIMARY_PHONE_REQUIRED Hex: 8004B576 Number: -2147175050
Name: BDK_E_PUID_ROLE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Hex: 8004B578 Number: -2147175048
Name: BDK_E_RATING_FAILURE Hex: 8004B579 Number: -2147175047
Name: BDK_E_REQUIRED_FIELD_MISSING Hex: 8004B57A Number: -2147175046
Name: BDK_E_STATE_CITY_INVALID Hex: 8004B57B Number: -2147175045
Name: BDK_E_STATE_INVALID Hex: 8004B57C Number: -2147175044
Name: BDK_E_STATE_ZIP_CITY_INVALID Hex: 8004B57D Number: -2147175043
Name: BDK_E_STATE_ZIP_CITY_INVALID2 Hex: 8004B57E Number: -2147175042
Name: BDK_E_STATE_ZIP_CITY_INVALID3 Hex: 8004B57F Number: -2147175041
Name: BDK_E_STATE_ZIP_CITY_INVALID4 Hex: 8004B580 Number: -2147175040
Name: BDK_E_STATE_ZIP_COVERS_MULTIPLE_CITIES Hex: 8004B581 Number: -2147175039
Name: BDK_E_STATE_ZIP_INVALID Hex: 8004B582 Number: -2147175038
Name: BDK_E_TAXID_EXPDATE Hex: 8004B583 Number: -2147175037
Name: BDK_E_TOKEN_BLACKLISTED Hex: 8004B584 Number: -2147175036
Name: BDK_E_TOKEN_EXPIRED Hex: 8004B585 Number: -2147175035
Name: BDK_E_TOKEN_NOT_VALID_FOR_OFFERING Hex: 8004B586 Number: -2147175034
Name: BDK_E_TOKEN_RANGE_BLACKLISTED Hex: 8004B587 Number: -2147175033
Name: BDK_E_TRANS_BALANCE_TO_PI_INVALID Hex: 8004B588 Number: -2147175032
Name: BDK_E_UNKNOWN_SERVER_FAILURE Hex: 8004B589 Number: -2147175031
{0} Unknown server failure.
Name: BDK_E_UNSUPPORTED_CHAR_EXIST Hex: 8004B58A Number: -2147175030
Name: BDK_E_USAGE_COUNT_FOR_TOKEN_EXCEEDED Hex: 8004B58F Number: -2147175025
{0} Billing token is already spent.
Name: BDK_E_VATID_DOESNOTHAVEEXPDATE Hex: 8004B58B Number: -2147175029
Name: BDK_E_ZIP_CITY_MISSING Hex: 8004B58C Number: -2147175028
Name: BDK_E_ZIP_INVALID Hex: 8004B58D Number: -2147175027
{0} Billing zip code error.
Name: BDK_E_ZIP_INVALID_FOR_ENTERED_STATE Hex: 8004B58E Number: -2147175026
{0} Billing zip code error.
Name: BidsAuthenticationError Hex: 8005E003 Number: -2147098621
An error occured while authenticating with server {0}.
Name: BidsAuthenticationFailed Hex: 8005E006 Number: -2147098618
Authentication failed when trying to connect to server {0}. The username or password is incorrect.
Name: BidsInvalidConnectionString Hex: 8005E000 Number: -2147098624
Input connection string is invalid. Usage: ServerUrl[;OrganizationName][;HomeRealmUrl]
Name: BidsInvalidUrl Hex: 8005E001 Number: -2147098623
Input url {0} is invalid.
Name: BidsNoOrganizationsFound Hex: 8005E004 Number: -2147098620
No organizations found for the user.
Name: BidsOrganizationNotFound Hex: 8005E005 Number: -2147098619
Organization {0} cannot be found for the user.
Name: BidsServerConnectionFailed Hex: 8005E002 Number: -2147098622
Failed to connect to server {0}.
Name: BillingNoSettingError Hex: 8004B531 Number: -2147175119
No Billing application configuration setting [{0}] was found.
Name: BillingPartnerCertificate Hex: 8004B530 Number: -2147175120
Could not determine the right Partner certificate to use with Billing. Issuer: {0} Subject: {1} Distinguished matches: [{2}] Name matches: [{3}] All valid certificates: [{4}].
Name: BillingRetrieveKeyError Hex: 8004B538 Number: -2147175112
Could not retrieve Billing session key: “{0}”
Name: BillingTestConnectionError Hex: 8004B532 Number: -2147175118
Billing is not available: Call to IsServiceAvailable returned ‘False’.
Name: BillingTestConnectionException Hex: 8004B533 Number: -2147175117
Billing TestConnection exception.
Name: BillingUnknownErrorCode Hex: 8004B536 Number: -2147175114
Billing error code [{0}] was thrown with exception {1}
Name: BillingUnknownException Hex: 8004B537 Number: -2147175113
Billing error was thrown with exception {0}
Name: BillingUnmappedErrorCode Hex: 8004B535 Number: -2147175115
Billing error code [{0}] was thrown with exception {1}
Name: BillingUserPuidNullError Hex: 8004B534 Number: -2147175116
User Puid is required, but is null.
Name: BookFirstInstanceFailed Hex: 8004E10E Number: -2147163890
Failed to book first instance.
Name: BooleanOptionOutOfRange Hex: 8004431C Number: -2147204324
Boolean attribute options must have a value of either 0 or 1.
Name: BothConnectionSidesAreNeeded Hex: 80048218 Number: -2147188200
You must provide a name or select a role for both sides of this connection.
Name: BPFEntityAlreadyExists Hex: 80060384 Number: -2147089532
BPF entity with this name already exists.
Name: BpfInstanceAlreadyExists Hex: 80060397 Number: -2147089513
A business process flow already exists for the target record and could not be created. Please contact your system administrator.
Name: BulkDeleteChildFailure Hex: 80048459 Number: -2147187623
One of the Bulk Delete Child Jobs Failed
Name: BulkDeleteRecordDeletionFailure Hex: 80048435 Number: -2147187659
The record cannot be deleted.
Name: BulkDetectInvalidEmailRecipient Hex: 80048422 Number: -2147187678
The e-mail recipient either does not exist or the e-mail address for the e-mail recipient is not valid.
Name: BulkMailOperationFailed Hex: 8004502D Number: -2147200979
The bulk e-mail job completed with {0} failures. The failures might be caused by missing e-mail addresses or because you do not have permission to send e-mail. To find records with missing e-mail addresses, use Advanced Find. If you need increased e-mail permissions, contact your system administrator.
Name: BulkMailServiceNotAccessible Hex: 80048304 Number: -2147187964
The Microsoft Dynamics 365 Bulk E-Mail Service is not running.
Name: BundleCannotContainBundle Hex: 8004F972 Number: -2147157646
You can’t add a bundle to a bundle.
Name: BundleCannotContainProductFamily Hex: 8004F992 Number: -2147157614
You can’t add a product family to a bundle.
Name: BundleCannotContainProductKit Hex: 80061014 Number: -2147086316
You can’t add a kit to a bundle.
Name: BundleMaxPropertyLimitExceeded Hex: 8008100E Number: -2146955250
This bundle can’t be published because it has too many properties. A bundle in your organization can’t have more than {0} properties.
Name: BusinessManagementInvalidUserId Hex: 80041d1f Number: -2147214049
The user Id(s) [{0}] is invalid.
Name: BusinessManagementLoopBeingCreated Hex: 80041d21 Number: -2147214047
Creating this parental association would create a loop in business hierarchy.
Name: BusinessManagementLoopExists Hex: 80041d20 Number: -2147214048
Loop exists in the business hierarchy.
Name: BusinessManagementObjectAlreadyExists Hex: 8004022a Number: -2147220950
An object with the specified name already exists.
Name: BusinessNotEnabled Hex: 8004032c Number: -2147220692
The specified business unit is disabled.
Name: BusinessProcessFlowStepHasInvalidParent Hex: 80060405 Number: -2147089403
{0} parent is not of type {1}
Name: BusinessRuleEditorSupportsOnlyIfConditionBranch Hex: 80060008 Number: -2147090424
The business rule editor only supports one if condition. Please fix the rule.
Name: BusinessUnitCannotBeDisabled Hex: 80041d59 Number: -2147213991
Business unit cannot be disabled: no active user with system admin role exists outside of business unit subtree.
Name: BusinessUnitDefaultTeamOwnsRecords Hex: 80041d62 Number: -2147213982
Business unit default team owns records. Business unit cannot be deleted.
Name: BusinessUnitHasChildAndCannotBeDeleted Hex: 80041d61 Number: -2147213983
Business unit has a child business unit and cannot be deleted.
Name: BusinessUnitIsNotDisabledAndCannotBeDeleted Hex: 80041d60 Number: -2147213984
Not disabled business unit cannot be deleted.
Name: CalculatedFieldsAssignmentMismatch Hex: 8006042b Number: -2147089365
You can’t set the value {0}, which is of type {1}, to type {2}.
Name: CalculatedFieldsCyclicReference Hex: 80060431 Number: -2147089359
Field {0} cannot be used in calculated field {1} because it would create a circular reference.
Name: CalculatedFieldsDateOnlyBehaviorTypeMismatch Hex: 8006043a Number: -2147089350
You can only use a Date Only type of field.
Name: CalculatedFieldsDepthExceeded Hex: 80060432 Number: -2147089358
You can’t create or update the {0} field because the {1} field already has a calculated field chain of {2} deep.
Name: CalculatedFieldsDivideByZero Hex: 8006042d Number: -2147089363
You cannot divide by {0}, which evaluates to zero.
Name: CalculatedFieldsEntitiesExceeded Hex: 80060433 Number: -2147089357
Field {0} cannot be created or updated because field {1} contains an additional formula that uses a parent record.
Name: CalculatedFieldsFeatureNotEnabled Hex: 80060422 Number: -2147089374
Calculated Field feature is not available
Name: CalculatedFieldsFunctionMismatch Hex: 8006042c Number: -2147089364
You can’t use {0}, which is of type {1}, with the current function.
Name: CalculatedFieldsInvalidAttribute Hex: 80060428 Number: -2147089368
The {0} field doesn’t exist.
Name: CalculatedFieldsInvalidAttributes Hex: 8006042e Number: -2147089362
The formula references the following attributes that don’t exist: {0}.
Name: CalculatedFieldsInvalidEntity Hex: 80060423 Number: -2147089373
The formula contains an invalid reference: {0}.
Name: CalculatedFieldsInvalidFunction Hex: 80060427 Number: -2147089369
The {0} function doesn’t exist.
Name: CalculatedFieldsInvalidSourceTypeMask Hex: 80060438 Number: -2147089352
The formula can’t be saved because it contains references to the following fields that have invalid definitions: {0}.
Name: CalculatedFieldsInvalidValue Hex: 8006042f Number: -2147089361
The formula references a value that doesn’t exist.
Name: CalculatedFieldsInvalidValues Hex: 80060430 Number: -2147089360
The formula references the following values that don’t exist: {0}.
Name: CalculatedFieldsInvalidXaml Hex: 80060424 Number: -2147089372
The {0} field has an invalid XAML formula definition.
Name: CalculatedFieldsNonCalculatedFieldAssignment Hex: 80060425 Number: -2147089371
Only calculated fields can have a formula definition.
Name: CalculatedFieldsPrimitiveOverflow Hex: 8006042a Number: -2147089366
Cannot convert the value {0} into type {1}.
Name: CalculatedFieldsTimeInvBehaviorTypeMismatch Hex: 8006043b Number: -2147089349
You can only use a Time-Zone Independent Date Time type of field.
Name: CalculatedFieldsTypeMismatch Hex: 80060426 Number: -2147089370
You can’t use {0}, which is of type {1}, with the current operator.
Name: CalculatedFieldsUserLocBehaviorTypeMismatch Hex: 8006043c Number: -2147089348
You can only use a User Local Date Time type of field.
Name: CalculatedFieldUsedInRollupFieldCannotBeComplex Hex: 80060550 Number: -2147089072
One or more rollup fields depend on this calculated field. This calculated field can’t use a rollup field, another calculated field that is using a rollup field or a field from related entity.
Name: CalculateNowOverflowError Hex: 80060558 Number: -2147089064
The calculation failed due to an overflow error.
Name: CallerCannotChangeOwnDomainName Hex: 80044161 Number: -2147204767
The caller cannot change their own domain name
Name: CalloutException Hex: 8004025b Number: -2147220901
Callout Exception occurred.
Name: CampaignActivityAlreadyPropagated Hex: 80040326 Number: -2147220698
This campaign activity has been distributed already. Campaign activities cannot be distributed more than one time.
Name: CampaignActivityClosed Hex: 80040331 Number: -2147220687
This Campaign Activity is closed or canceled. Campaign activities cannot be distributed after they have been closed or canceled.
Name: CampaignNotSpecifiedForCampaignActivity Hex: 80040309 Number: -2147220727
RegardingObjectId is a required field.
Name: CampaignNotSpecifiedForCampaignResponse Hex: 8004030a Number: -2147220726
RegardingObjectId is a required field.
Name: CanAssociateOnlyMobileOfflineEnableEntityToProfileItem Hex: 8006099C Number: -2147087972
This entity needs to be enabled for mobile offline.
Name: CanAssociateOnlyOneEntityPerProfileItem Hex: 8006099D Number: -2147087971
You can only add one mobile offline profile item record per entity to a mobile offline profile record.
Name: CancelActiveChildCaseFirst Hex: 8003F451 Number: -2147224495
Cancel active child case before canceling parent case.
Name: CannotAcceptEmail Hex: 8005E20B Number: -2147098101
The email that you are trying to deliver cannot be accepted by Microsoft Dynamics 365. Reason Code: {0}.
Name: CannotActivateMailboxForDisabledUserOrQueue Hex: 8005E230 Number: -2147098064
Mailbox cannot be activated because the user or queue associated with the mailbox is in disabled state. Mailbox can only be activated for Active User/Queue.
Name: CannotActivateRecord Hex: 80081017 Number: -2146955241
You can’t activate a retired product family or bundle. Also, you can’t activate a retired product that is part of a product family.
Name: CannotActOnBehalfOfAnotherUser Hex: 8004A110 Number: -2147180272
User does not have the privilege to act on behalf another user.
Name: CannotActOnBehalfOfExternalParty Hex: 80061116 Number: -2147086058
User does not have the privilege to act on behalf of External Party.
Name: CannotAddActivityPartyEntityToMobileOfflineProfileItem Hex: 800609AD Number: -2147087955
You can’t add the ActivityParty entity to the mobile offline profile item because it’s added automatically when an activity entity is added to the profile.
Name: CannotAddBundleToItself Hex: 80061031 Number: -2147086287
You can’t add a bundle to itself.
Name: CannotAddBundleToPricelist Hex: 80061007 Number: -2147086329
You can’t add the {0} bundle to the pricelist because the {1} bundle product isn’t in the pricelist.
Name: CannotAddBusinessDataLocalizedLabelEntityToMobileOfflineProfileItem Hex: 800609AC Number: -2147087956
You can’t add the BusinessDataLocalizedLabel entity to the mobile offline profile item because it’s added automatically when the Product entity is added to the profile.
Name: CannotAddDraftFamilyProductBundleToCases Hex: 8004F984 Number: -2147157628
You can’t add a product family, a draft product, or a draft bundle.
Name: CannotAddIntersectEntityToMobileOfflineProfileItem Hex: 800609AB Number: -2147087957
You can’t add the intersect entity to the mobile offline profile item because it’s added automatically when its parent entities are added to the profile.
Name: CannotAddKitToItself Hex: 80061032 Number: -2147086286
You can’t add a kit to itself.
Name: CannotAddMembersToDefaultTeam Hex: 8004830B Number: -2147187957
Can’t add members to the default business unit team.
Name: CannotAddNewBooleanValue Hex: 8004431D Number: -2147204323
You cannot add an option to a Boolean attribute.
Name: CannotAddNewStateValue Hex: 8004431E Number: -2147204322
You cannot add state options to a State attribute.
Name: CannotAddNonCustomizableComponent Hex: 8004F015 Number: -2147160043
The component {0} {1} cannot be added to the solution because it is not customizable
Name: CannotAddOrActonBehalfAnotherUserPrivilege Hex: 8004Ed43 Number: -2147160765
Act on Behalf of Another User privilege cannot be added or removed.
Name: CannotAddParentToAKit Hex: 80061015 Number: -2147086315
You can’t specify a parent record for a kit.
Name: CannotAddPricelistToProductFamily Hex: 8004F902 Number: -2147157758
You can’t add a product family to a pricelist.
Name: CannotAddProduct Hex: 8004F908 Number: -2147157752
You can only add Active products.
Name: CannotAddProductBundleToKit Hex: 80061022 Number: -2147086302
You can’t add a bundle to a kit.
Name: CannotAddProductFamilyToKit Hex: 80061023 Number: -2147086301
You can’t add a product family to a kit.
Name: CannotAddProductToBundle Hex: 8004F976 Number: -2147157642
You cannot add products to this bundle.The limit of {0} has been reached for this bundle.
Name: CannotAddProductToKit Hex: 80061024 Number: -2147086300
You can’t add a product that belongs to a product family to a kit.
Name: CannotAddProductToRetiredKit Hex: 80061026 Number: -2147086298
You can’t add a product to a retired kit.
Name: CannotAddQueueItemsToInactiveQueue Hex: 80040522 Number: -2147220190
The selected user does not have sufficient permissions to work on items in this queue.
Name: CannotAddRetiredProduct Hex: 80061033 Number: -2147086285
You can’t create a product relationship with a retired product.
Name: CannotAddRetiredProductToKit Hex: 80061027 Number: -2147086297
You can’t add a retired product to a kit.
Name: CannotAddRetiredProductToPricelist Hex: 80061009 Number: -2147086327
Retired products can not be added to pricelists.
Name: CannotAddSingleQueueEnabledEntityToQueue Hex: 8004051c Number: -2147220196
The entity record cannot be added to the queue as it already exists in other queue.
Name: CannotAddSolutionComponentWithoutRoots Hex: 8004F018 Number: -2147160040
This item is not a valid solution component. For more information about solution components, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 SDK documentation.
Name: CannotAddUserToMobileOfflineProfile Hex: 800609A6 Number: -2147087962
You can’t add this user to this mobile offline profile because the user’s role is either missing or doesn’t have the Dynamics 365 for mobile privilege.
Name: CannotAddWorkflowActivationToSolution Hex: 8004F00C Number: -2147160052
Cannot add Workflow Activation to solution
Name: CannotAssignAddressBookFilters Hex: 80048448 Number: -2147187640
Cannot assign address book filters
Name: CannotAssignOfflineFilters Hex: 800404ff Number: -2147220225
Cannot assign offline filters
Name: CannotAssignOutlookFilters Hex: 80040264 Number: -2147220892
Cannot assign outlook filters
Name: CannotAssignRolesOrProfilesToAccessTeam Hex: 80048331 Number: -2147187919
Cannot assign roles or profiles to an access team.
Name: CannotAssignRolesToSupportUser Hex: 80041d51 Number: -2147213999
The support user are read-only, which cannot be assigned with other roles
Name: CannotAssignSupportUser Hex: 80041d44 Number: -2147214012
The Support User Role cannot be assigned to a user.
Name: CannotAssignToAccessTeam Hex: 80048340 Number: -2147187904
You cannot assign a record to the access team. You can assign a record to the owner team.
Name: CannotAssignToDisabledBusiness Hex: 8004032d Number: -2147220691
The specified business unit cannot be assigned to because it is disabled.
Name: CannotAssociateExternalPartyItem Hex: 80061117 Number: -2147086057
You can’t associate more than one external party item with an entity record that has been enabled as an external party.
Name: CannotAssociateInactiveItemToCampaign Hex: 80040304 Number: -2147220732
Cannot associate an inactive item to a Campaign.
Name: CannotAssociateInvalidEntityToProfileItem Hex: 8006099B Number: -2147087973
Invalid object type code.
Name: CannotAssociateProductFamily Hex: 8004F999 Number: -2147157607
You can’t create a relationship with a product family.
Name: CannotAssociateRetiredBundles Hex: 80081011 Number: -2146955247
You can’t create a product relationship with a retired bundle.
Name: CannotAssociateRetiredProducts Hex: 8004F974 Number: -2147157644
You can’t create a product relationship with a retired product.
Name: CannotBindToSession Hex: 80040254 Number: -2147220908
Cannot bind to another session, session already bound.
Name: CannotChangeAccessModeForInternetMarketingUser Hex: 80045035 Number: -2147200971
Internet Marketing User is a system user. You cannot change its access mode.
Name: CannotChangeAttributeRequiredLevel Hex: 8004D293 Number: -2147167597
An attribute’s required level cannot be changed from SystemRequired
Name: CannotChangeConvertRuleState Hex: 800608F4 Number: -2147088140
Error occured during activating Convert Rule.Please check your privileges on Workflow and kindly try again or Contact your system administrator.
Name: CannotChangeDaysSinceRecordLastModified Hex: 800609A4 Number: -2147087964
You need to enable this entity for mobile offline before you can set or change the number of days since the record was last modified.
Name: CannotChangeInvitationStatusForInternetMarketingUser Hex: 80045036 Number: -2147200970
Internet Marketing User is a system user. You cannot change its invitation status.
Name: CannotChangeProductRelationship Hex: 80061013 Number: -2147086317
You can’t add or modify the product relationship of a retired product.
Name: CannotChangeSelectedBundleToAnotherValue Hex: 8004F986 Number: -2147157626
If a bundle is selected as an existing product, you can’t change it to another value.
Name: CannotChangeSelectedProductWithBundle Hex: 8004F987 Number: -2147157625
If a product is selected as an existing product, you can’t change it to a bundle.
Name: CannotChangeState Hex: 8004F863 Number: -2147157917
Error occured during activating SLA..Please check your privileges on Workflow and kindly try again or Contact your system administrator.
Name: CannotChangeStateOfNonpublicView Hex: 80040279 Number: -2147220871
Only public views can be deactivated and activated.
Name: CannotChangeTeamTypeDueToOwnership Hex: 80048337 Number: -2147187913
You cannot modify the type of the team because there are records owned by the team.
Name: CannotChangeTeamTypeDueToRoleOrProfile Hex: 80048336 Number: -2147187914
You cannot modify the type of the team because there are security roles or field security profiles assigned to the team.
Name: CannotClearChannelPropertyGroupFromConvertRule Hex: 800608ED Number: -2147088147
The Channel Property Group is used by one or more steps. Delete the properties from the conditions and steps that use the record before you save or activate the rule.
Name: CannotCloneBundleAsProductLimitExceeded Hex: 8004F985 Number: -2147157627
You can’t create this new bundle because it contains more than the allowed number of {0} products that a bundle can contain.
Name: CannotCloneBundleWithRetiredProducts Hex: 80061034 Number: -2147086284
You can’t clone a bundle that contains retired products.
Name: CannotCloneProductKit Hex: 80061020 Number: -2147086304
You can’t clone a kit.
Name: CannotCloseCase Hex: 8004F456 Number: -2147158954
This operation can’t be completed. One or more child cases can’t be closed because of the status transition rules that are defined for cases.
Name: CannotConnectToSelf Hex: 80048217 Number: -2147188201
Cannot connect a record to itself.
Name: CannotConvertBundleToKit Hex: 80061030 Number: -2147086288
You can’t convert a bundle to a kit.
Name: CannotConvertProductAssociatedWithBundleToKit Hex: 80061018 Number: -2147086312
You can’t convert a product that is a part of a bundle to a kit.
Name: CannotConvertProductAssociatedWithFamilyToKit Hex: 80061016 Number: -2147086314
You can’t convert a product that belongs to a product family to a kit.
Name: CannotConvertProductFamilyToKit Hex: 80061029 Number: -2147086295
You can’t convert a product family to a kit.
Name: CannotCopyIncompatibleListType Hex: 80040306 Number: -2147220730
Cannot copy lists of different types.
Name: CannotCopyStaticList Hex: 8004F704 Number: -2147158268
This action is valid only for dynamic list.
Name: CannotCreateActivityRelationship Hex: 80047006 Number: -2147192826
Relationship with activities cannot be created through this operation
Name: CannotCreateAddressBookFilters Hex: 80048447 Number: -2147187641
Cannot create address book filters
Name: CannotCreateCase Hex: 80060853 Number: -2147088301
You can’t create this case as the default entitlement for the specified customer has no remaining terms.
Name: CannotCreateExternalPartyWithSameCorrelationKey Hex: 80061112 Number: -2147086062
An external party record already exists with the same correlation key value.
Name: CannotCreateFromSupportUser Hex: 80041d46 Number: -2147214010
Cannot create a role from Support User Role.
Name: CannotCreateKitOfTypeFamilyOrBundle Hex: 80061012 Number: -2147086318
You can’t create a kit of type bundle or product family.
Name: CannotCreateOrEnablePositionDueToParentPositionIsDisabled Hex: 80048344 Number: -2147187900
A child position cannot be created/enabled under a disabled parent position.
Name: CannotCreateOutlookFilters Hex: 80040263 Number: -2147220893
Cannot create outlook filters
Name: CannotCreatePluginInstance Hex: 8004A201 Number: -2147180031
Can not create instance of a plug-in. Verify that plug-in type is not defined as abstract and it has a public constructor supported by Dynamics 365 SDK.
Name: CannotCreatePropertyOptionSetItem Hex: 80081013 Number: -2146955245
You can only create a property option set item record that refers to a property that has its data type set to Option Set.
Name: CannotCreateQueueItemInactiveObject Hex: 8004051e Number: -2147220194
Deactivated object cannot be added to queue.
Name: CannotCreateResponseForTemplate Hex: 80040312 Number: -2147220718
CampaignResponse can not be created for Template Campaign.
Name: CannotCreateSLAForEntity Hex: 80055005 Number: -2147135483
You can’t create a service level agreement (SLA) for this entity because it’s not enabled for creating SLAs
Name: CannotCreateSyncUserIsLicensedField Hex: 80041d4d Number: -2147214003
The property IsLicensed cannot be set for Sync User Creation.
Name: CannotCreateSyncUserObjectMissing Hex: 80041d4b Number: -2147214005
This is not a valid Microsoft Online Services ID for this organization.
Name: CannotCreateSystemOrDefaultTheme Hex: 800608D5 Number: -2147088171
You can’t create system or default themes. System or default theme can only be created out of box.
Name: CannotCreateUpdateSourceAttribute Hex: 80044804 Number: -2147203068
Source Attribute Not Valid For Create/Update if Metric Type is Count.
Name: CannotDeactivateDefaultView Hex: 8004027a Number: -2147220870
Default views cannot be deactivated.
Name: CannotDeactivateGuestProfile Hex: 80061105 Number: -2147086075
You can’t set this guest channel access profile as inactive.
Name: CannotDeleteActiveCaseCreationRule Hex: 8004F880 Number: -2147157888
You can’t delete an active rule. Deactivate the Record Creation and Update Rule, and then try deleting it.
Name: CannotDeleteActiveRecordCreationRuleItem Hex: 8004F894 Number: -2147157868
You can’t delete an active record creation rule item. Deactivate the record creation rule, and then try deleting it.
Name: CannotDeleteActiveRule Hex: 8004F850 Number: -2147157936
You can not delete an active routing rule. Deactivate the rule to delete it.
Name: CannotDeleteActiveSla Hex: 8004F870 Number: -2147157904
You can’t delete an active SLA. Deactivate the SLA, and then try deleting it.
Name: CannotDeleteAsBackgroundOperationInProgress Hex: 8004032b Number: -2147220693
This record is currently being used by Microsoft Dynamics 365 and cannot be deleted. Try again later. If the problem persists, contact your system administrator.
Name: CannotDeleteAsItIsReadOnly Hex: 80040228 Number: -2147220952
The object cannot be deleted because it is read-only.
Name: CannotDeleteAttributeUsedInWorkflow Hex: 80045030 Number: -2147200976
This attribute cannot be deleted because it is used in one or more workflows. Cancel any system jobs for workflows that use this attribute, then delete or modify any workflows that use the attribute, and then try to delete the attribute again.
Name: CannotDeleteBaseMoneyCalculationAttribute Hex: 80048cfe Number: -2147185410
The base money calculation Attribute is not valid for deletion
Name: CannotDeleteCannedView Hex: 8004022f Number: -2147220945
System-defined views cannot be deleted.
Name: CannotDeleteChannelAccessProfileRule Hex: 80061108 Number: -2147086072
You can’t delete an active channel access profile rule. Deactivate the rule and then delete it.
Name: CannotDeleteChannelProperty Hex: 800608EB Number: -2147088149
You can’t delete a channel property which is being referred in a convert rule.
Name: CannotDeleteChildAttribute Hex: 80047016 Number: -2147192810
The Child Attribute is not valid for deletion
Name: CannotDeleteCustomEntityUsedInWorkflow Hex: 8004502C Number: -2147200980
Cannot delete entity because it is used in a workflow.
Name: CannotDeleteDefaultProfile Hex: 8006099A Number: -2147087974
To delete this profile, you first need to set it so that it’s no longer a default mobile offline profile.
Name: CannotDeleteDefaultStatusOption Hex: 80044341 Number: -2147204287
Default Status options cannot be deleted.
Name: CannotDeleteDefaultTeam Hex: 80048307 Number: -2147187961
The default business unit team can’t be deleted.
Name: CannotDeleteDueToAssociation Hex: 80040227 Number: -2147220953
The object you tried to delete is associated with another object and cannot be deleted.
Name: CannotDeleteDueToBasketEntityAssociation Hex: 80061612 Number: -2147084782
You can’t delete a Recommendation entity if it has a corresponding Basket entity.
Name: CannotDeleteDynamicPropertyInRetiredState Hex: 8004F892 Number: -2147157870
You can’t delete a property of a retired product.
Name: CannotDeleteDynamicPropertyInUse Hex: 80081003 Number: -2146955261
Retired Properties being used in transactions can not be deleted.
Name: CannotDeleteEnumOptionsFromAttributeType Hex: 80044323 Number: -2147204317
You can delete options only from picklist and status attributes.
Name: CannotDeleteGuestProfile Hex: 80061104 Number: -2147086076
You can’t delete this guest channel access profile.
Name: CannotDeleteInheritedDynamicProperty Hex: 80081014 Number: -2146955244
You can’t delete a property that is inherited from a product family.
Name: CannotDeleteInUseAttribute Hex: 80048418 Number: -2147187688
The selected attribute cannot be deleted because it is referenced by one or more duplicate detection rules that are being published.
Name: CannotDeleteInUseComponent Hex: 8004F01F Number: -2147160033
The {0}({1}) component cannot be deleted because it is referenced by {2} other components. For a list of referenced components, use the RetrieveDependenciesForDeleteRequest.
Name: CannotDeleteInUseEntity Hex: 80048420 Number: -2147187680
The selected entity cannot be deleted because it is referenced by one or more duplicate detection rules that are in process of being published.
Name: CannotDeleteInUseOptionSet Hex: 80048417 Number: -2147187689
This option set cannot be deleted. The current set of entities that reference this option set are: {0}. These references must be removed before this option set can be deleted
Name: CannotDeleteLastEmailAttribute Hex: 80046FFF Number: -2147192833
You cannot delete this field because the record type has been enabled for e-mail.
Name: CannotDeleteMetadata Hex: 8004F032 Number: -2147160014
The ‘{2}’ operation on the current component(name='{0}’, id='{1}’) failed during managed property evaluation of condition: ‘{3}’
Name: CannotDeleteMetricWithGoals Hex: 80044800 Number: -2147203072
This goal metric is being used by one or more goals and cannot be deleted.
Name: CannotDeleteNonLeafNode Hex: 8004F200 Number: -2147159552
Only a leaf statement can be deleted. This statement is parenting some other statement.
Name: CannotDeleteNotOwnedDynamicProperty Hex: 80081006 Number: -2146955258
You cannot delete a dynamic property that is inherited from a product family.
Name: CannotDeleteOneNoteTableOfContent Hex: 800608B7 Number: -2147088201
You can’t delete this file because it contains links to OneNote notebook sections. To delete notebook contents, open the notebook in OneNote and delete the contents from there. To delete a notebook, open SharePoint and delete the notebook from there.
Name: CannotDeleteOnlineRecord Hex: 8005F248 Number: -2147093944
You can’t delete this record because it doesn’t exist in the offline mode.
Name: CannotDeleteOptionSet Hex: 80048404 Number: -2147187708
The selected OptionSet cannot be deleted
Name: CannotDeleteOrCancelSystemJobs Hex: 80044F02 Number: -2147201278
You can’t cancel or delete this system job because it’s required by the system. You can only pause, resume, or postpone this job.
Name: CannotDeleteOverriddenProperty Hex: 80081100 Number: -2146955008
You can’t delete this property because it’s overridden for one more or child records. Remove the overridden versions of the property, republish the product family hierarchy, and then try deleting the property.
Name: CannotDeletePartnerSolutionWithOrganizations Hex: 8004A10e Number: -2147180274
Can not delete partner solution as one or more organizations are associated with it
Name: CannotDeletePartnerWithPartnerSolutions Hex: 8004A10d Number: -2147180275
Can not delete partner as one or more solutions are associated with it
Name: CannotDeletePrimaryUIAttribute Hex: 80047002 Number: -2147192830
The Primary UI Attribute is not valid for deletion
Name: CannotDeleteProductFromActiveBundle Hex: 80061010 Number: -2147086320
You can’t remove products from a bundle that’s either active or under revision.
Name: CannotDeleteProductStatusCode Hex: 80081016 Number: -2146955242
You can’t delete a system-generated status reason.
Name: CannotDeleteProfileWithExternalPartyItem Hex: 80061107 Number: -2147086073
You can’t delete this channel access profile because it’s associated to an external party item. Remove the association, and then try again.
Name: CannotDeleteProfileWithProfileRules Hex: 80061106 Number: -2147086074
You can’t delete this channel access profile because it’s being used by one or more channel access profile rules. Remove this profile from the channel access profile rules, and then try again.
Name: CannotDeletePropertyOverriddenByBundleItem Hex: 80081015 Number: -2146955243
You can’t delete this property because it’s overridden in one or more related bundle products. Remove the overridden versions of the property from the related bundle products, publish the bundles that were changed, and then try again.
Name: CannotDeleteQueueWithQueueItems Hex: 80631117 Number: -2140991209
You can’t delete this queue because it has items assigned to it. Assign these items to another user, team, or queue and try again.
Name: CannotDeleteQueueWithRouteRules Hex: 80731118 Number: -2139942632
You can’t delete this queue because one or more routing rule sets use this queue. Remove the queue from the routing rule sets and try again.
Name: CannotDeleteRelatedSla Hex: 8004F859 Number: -2147157927
The SLA record couldn’t be deleted. Please try again or contact your system administrator
Name: CannotDeleteRestrictedPublisher Hex: 8004F006 Number: -2147160058
Attempting to delete a restricted publisher.
Name: CannotDeleteRestrictedSolution Hex: 8004F005 Number: -2147160059
Attempting to delete a restricted solution.
Name: CannotDeleteSupportUser Hex: 80041d42 Number: -2147214014
The Support User Role cannot be deleted.
Name: CannotDeleteSysAdmin Hex: 80041d2e Number: -2147214034
The System Administrator Role cannot be deleted.
Name: CannotDeleteSystemCustomizer Hex: 80041d4a Number: -2147214006
The System Customizer Role cannot be deleted.
Name: CannotDeleteSystemEmailTemplate Hex: 80048432 Number: -2147187662
System e-mail templates cannot be deleted.
Name: CannotDeleteSystemForm Hex: 8004F652 Number: -2147158446
System forms cannot be deleted.
Name: CannotDeleteSystemTheme Hex: 800608DA Number: -2147088166
You can’t delete system themes.
Name: CannotDeleteTeamOwningRecords Hex: 8004830E Number: -2147187954
Can’t delete a team which owns records. Reassign the records and try again.
Name: CannotDeleteUpdateInUseRule Hex: 80048428 Number: -2147187672
The duplicate detection rule is currently in use and cannot be updated or deleted. Please try again later.
Name: CannotDeleteUserMailbox Hex: 8005E200 Number: -2147098112
The mailbox associated to a user or a queue cannot be deleted.
Name: CannotDeleteUserProfile Hex: 800609A3 Number: -2147087965
You can’t delete an active mobile offline profile. Remove all users from the profile and try again.
Name: CannotDeserializeRequest Hex: 8004416f Number: -2147204753
The SDK request could not be deserialized.
Name: CannotDeserializeWorkflowInstance Hex: 8004501F Number: -2147200993
Workflow instance cannot be deserialized. A possible reason for this failure is a workflow referencing a custom activity that has been unregistered.
Name: CannotDeserializeXamlWorkflow Hex: 80045020 Number: -2147200992
Xaml representing workflow cannot be deserialized into a DynamicActivity.
Name: CannotDisableAutoCreateAccessTeams Hex: 80048338 Number: -2147187912
You cannot disable the auto create access team setting while there are associated team templates.
Name: CannotDisableDuplicateDetection Hex: 80048462 Number: -2147187614
Duplicate detection cannot be disabled because a duplicate detection job is currently in progress. Try again later.
Name: CannotDisableInternetMarketingUser Hex: 80045033 Number: -2147200973
You cannot disable the Internet Marketing Partner user. This user does not consume a user license and is not charged to your organization.
Name: CannotDisableMobileOfflineFlagForEntity Hex: 800609A5 Number: -2147087963
You cannot disable Mobile Offline flag for this entity as it is being used in Mobile Offline Profiles
Name: CannotDisableMobileOfflineFlagForImportEntity Hex: 80071111 Number: -2147020527
You cannot disable Mobile Offline flag for {0} entity as it is being used in Mobile Offline Profiles
Name: CannotDisableOrDeletePositionDueToAssociatedUsers Hex: 80048343 Number: -2147187901
This position can’t be deleted until all associated users are removed from this position.
Name: CannotDisableRelevanceSearchManagedProperty Hex: 80060303 Number: -2147089661
The {0} entity is currently syncing to an external search index. You must remove the entity from the external search index before you can set the “Can Enable Sync to External Search Index” property to False.
Name: CannotDisableSysAdmin Hex: 80041d2f Number: -2147214033
A user cannot be disabled if they are the only user that has the System Administrator Role.
Name: CannotDisableTenantAdmin Hex: 80041d65 Number: -2147213979
Users who are granted the Microsoft Office 365 Global administrator or Service administrator role cannot be disabled in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online. You must first remove the Microsoft Office 365 role, and then try again.
Name: CannotEditActiveRule Hex: 8004F851 Number: -2147157935
You can not edit an active routing rule. Deactivate the rule to delete it.
Name: CannotEditActiveSla Hex: 8004F860 Number: -2147157920
You can’t delete active SLA .Please deactivate the SLA to delete or Contact your system administrator.
Name: CannotEnableDuplicateDetection Hex: 80048421 Number: -2147187679
Duplicate detection cannot be enabled because one or more rules are being published.
Name: CannotEnableEntityForRelevanceSearch Hex: 80060302 Number: -2147089662
Entity {0} can’t be enabled for relevance search because of the configuration of its managed properties.
Name: CannotExceedFilterLimit Hex: 8004027c Number: -2147220868
Cannot exceed synchronization filter limit.
Name: CannotExecuteRequestBecauseHttpsIsRequired Hex: 8004852C Number: -2147187412
HTTPS protocol is required for this type of request, please enable HTTPS protocol and try again.
Name: CannotFindDomainAccount Hex: 80044342 Number: -2147204286
Invalid domain account
Name: CannotFindObjectInQueue Hex: 800404eb Number: -2147220245
The object was not found in the given queue
Name: CannotFindUserQueue Hex: 800404ec Number: -2147220244
Cannot find user queue
Name: CannotFollowInactiveEntity Hex: 8004F6A3 Number: -2147158365
Can’t follow inactive record.
Name: CannotGrantAccessToAddressBookFilters Hex: 80048446 Number: -2147187642
Cannot grant access to address book filters
Name: CannotGrantAccessToOfflineFilters Hex: 80040271 Number: -2147220879
Cannot grant access to offline filters
Name: CannotGrantAccessToOutlookFilters Hex: 80040268 Number: -2147220888
Cannot grant access to outlook filters
Name: CannotHaveDuplicateYomi Hex: 80047018 Number: -2147192808
One attribute can be tied to only one yomi at a time
Name: CannotHaveMultipleDefaultFilterTemplates Hex: 8004027d Number: -2147220867
Cannot have multiple default synchronization templates for a single entity.
Name: CannotImportNullStringsForBaseLanguage Hex: 80044246 Number: -2147204538
The base language translation string present in worksheet {0}, row {1}, column {2} is null.
Name: CannotInviteDisabledUser Hex: 8004D212 Number: -2147167726
An invitation cannot be sent to a disabled user
Name: CannotLocateRecordForWorkflowActivity Hex: 80045031 Number: -2147200975
A record required by this workflow job could not be found.
Name: CannotMakeReadOnlyUser Hex: 80041d38 Number: -2147214024
A user cannot be made a read only user if they are the last non read only user that has the System Administrator Role.
Name: CannotMakeSelfReadOnlyUser Hex: 80041d39 Number: -2147214023
You cannot make yourself a read only user
Name: CannotMergeCase Hex: 8004F457 Number: -2147158953
The merge couldn’t be performed. One or more of the selected cases couldn’t be cancelled because of the status transition rules that are defined for cases.
Name: CannotModifyAccessToAddressBookFilters Hex: 80048445 Number: -2147187643
Cannot modify access for address book filters
Name: CannotModifyAccessToOfflineFilters Hex: 80040272 Number: -2147220878
Cannot modify access for offline filters
Name: CannotModifyAccessToOutlookFilters Hex: 80040269 Number: -2147220887
Cannot modify access for outlook filters
Name: CannotModifyOldDataFromImport Hex: 80040376 Number: -2147220618
The corresponding record in Microsoft Dynamics 365 has more recent data, so this record was ignored.
Name: CannotModifyPatchedSolution Hex: 80048538 Number: -2147187400
Cannot modify solution because it has the following patches: {0}.
Name: CannotModifyReportOutsideSolutionIfManaged Hex: 8004F038 Number: -2147160008
Managed solution cannot update reports which are not present in solution package.
Name: CannotModifyRollupDependentField Hex: 80060555 Number: -2147089067
Rollup field {0} created this field. It can’t be modified directly.
Name: CannotModifySpecialUser Hex: 80041d33 Number: -2147214029
No modifications to the ‘SYSTEM’ or ‘INTEGRATION’ user are permitted.
Name: CannotModifySupportUser Hex: 80041d43 Number: -2147214013
The Support User Role cannot be modified.
Name: CannotModifySysAdmin Hex: 80041d31 Number: -2147214031
The System Administrator Role cannot be modified.
Name: CannotOverrideOwnedDynamicProperty Hex: 80081005 Number: -2146955259
You can’t override a property that isn’t inherited from a product family.
Name: CannotOverrideProperty Hex: 8004F887 Number: -2147157881
You can’t override this property as another overriden version of this property already exists. Please delete the previously overridden version, and then try again.
Name: CannotOverridePropertyFromDifferentHierarchy Hex: 8004F914 Number: -2147157740
You can’t override a property that belongs to a different product hierarchy.
Name: CannotOverwriteActiveComponent Hex: 8004F016 Number: -2147160042
A managed solution cannot overwrite the {0} component with Id={1} which has an unmanaged base instance. The most likely scenario for this error is that an unmanaged solution has installed a new unmanaged {0} component on the target system, and now a managed solution from the same publisher is trying to install that same {0} component as managed. This will cause an invalid layering of solutions on the target system and is not allowed.
Name: CannotOverwriteProperty Hex: 80061036 Number: -2147086282
You can’t overwrite this property as another overwritten version of this property already exists. Please delete the previously overwritten version, and then try again.
Name: CannotPropagateCamapaignActivityForTemplate Hex: 80040311 Number: -2147220719
Cannot execute (distribute) a CampaignActivity for a template Campaign.
Name: CannotProvisionPartnerSolution Hex: 8004A10f Number: -2147180273
Can not provision partner solution as it is either already provisioned or going through provisioning.
Name: CannotPublishAppModule Hex: 80050114 Number: -2147155692
We can’t publish the app because it has validation errors.
Name: CannotPublishBundleWithProductStateDraftOrRetire Hex: 8004F907 Number: -2147157753
You can’t publish this bundle because its associated products are in a draft state, are retired, or are being revised.
Name: CannotPublishChildOfNonActiveProductFamily Hex: 8004F909 Number: -2147157751
You can’t publish this record because it belongs to a product family that isn’t published.
Name: CannotPublishEmptyRule Hex: 80048414 Number: -2147187692
No criteria have been specified. Add criteria, and then publish the duplicate detection rule.
Name: CannotPublishInactiveRule Hex: 80048413 Number: -2147187693
The selected duplicate detection rule is marked as Inactive. Before publishing, you must activate the rule.
Name: CannotPublishKitWithProductStateDraftOrRetire Hex: 8004F916 Number: -2147157738
You can’t publish this kit because its associated products are in a draft state, are retired, or are being revised.
Name: CannotPublishMoreRules Hex: 80048419 Number: -2147187687
The selected record type already has the maximum number of published rules. Unpublish or delete existing rules for this record type, and then try again.
Name: CannotPublishNestedBundle Hex: 80061011 Number: -2147086319
You can’t publish a bundle that contains bundles. Remove any bundles from this one, and then try to publish again.
Name: CannotQualifyLead Hex: 80081018 Number: -2146955240
You can’t qualify this lead because you don’t have permission to create accounts. Work with your system administrator to create the account and then try again.
Name: CannotQueryBaseTableWithAggregates Hex: 8004F00D Number: -2147160051
Invalid query on base table. Aggregates cannot be included in base table query.
Name: CannotRelateObjectTypeToCampaign Hex: 80040307 Number: -2147220729
Specified Object Type not supported
Name: CannotRelateObjectTypeToCampaignActivity Hex: 8004030d Number: -2147220723
Specified Object Type not supported
Name: CannotRemoveComponentFromDefaultSolution Hex: 8004F000 Number: -2147160064
A Solution Component cannot be removed from the Default Solution.
Name: CannotRemoveComponentFromSolution Hex: 8004F021 Number: -2147160031
Cannot find solution component {0} {1} in solution {2}.
Name: CannotRemoveComponentFromSystemSolution Hex: 8004F035 Number: -2147160011
A Solution Component cannot be removed from the System Solution.
Name: CannotRemoveFromSupportUser Hex: 80041d45 Number: -2147214011
A user cannot be removed from the Support User Role.
Name: CannotRemoveFromSysAdmin Hex: 80041d30 Number: -2147214032
A user cannot be removed from the System Administrator Role if they are the only user that has the role.
Name: CannotRemoveMembersFromDefaultTeam Hex: 8004830C Number: -2147187956
Can’t remove members from the default business unit team.
Name: CannotRemoveNonListMember Hex: 80048458 Number: -2147187624
Specified Item not a member of the specified List.
Name: CannotRemoveProductFromPricelist Hex: 80061008 Number: -2147086328
You can’t remove this product from the pricelist because one or more bundles refer to it.
Name: CannotRemoveSysAdminProfileFromSysAdminUser Hex: 8004F505 Number: -2147158779
The Sys Admin Profile cannot be removed from a user with a Sys Admin Role
Name: CannotRemoveTenantAdminFromSysAdminRole Hex: 80041d64 Number: -2147213980
Users who are granted the Microsoft Office 365 Global administrator or Service administrator role cannot be removed from the Microsoft Dynamics 365 System Administrator security role. You must first remove the Microsoft Office 365 role, and then try again.
Name: CannotResetSysAdminInvite Hex: 8004D214 Number: -2147167724
An invitation cannot be reset for a user if they are the only user that has the System Administrator Role.
Name: CannotRetireProduct Hex: 8004F915 Number: -2147157739
You can’t retire this product because it belongs to active bundles or price lists. Remove it from any bundles or price lists before you retire it.
Name: CannotRetireProductFromActiveBundle Hex: 8004F997 Number: -2147157609
This product cannot be retired because it is a part of some active bundles or pricelists. Please remove it from all bundles or pricelists before retiring.
Name: CannotRevokeAccessToAddressBookFilters Hex: 80048444 Number: -2147187644
Cannot revoke access for address book filters