We will learn to improve productivity with these Canvas App keyboard shortcuts. Before we start, make sure to subscribe to CRM Crate so that you can stay up to date in the field of Power Platform.

Keyboard shortcuts for developers & makers in Canvas App
Below is the detailed list of keyboard shortcuts available in Canvas App.
Sr Number | Keyboard Shortcut | Action in Canvas App |
1 | Enter | Allows you to execute the selected command present in the component |
2 | Tab | Allows you to move between commands on the selected tab and then to the next tab |
3 | Alt+I | Allows you to select the Insert tab |
4 | Ctrl+O (or Alt+F) | Allows you to open a file |
5 | Ctrl+Shift+S (or Alt+P) | Allows you to save the app with a different name |
6 | Ctrl+Shift+P | Allows you to save the app and activate the publish dialog |
7 | Ctrl+S | Allows you to save the app with the same name or for the first time |
8 | F12 | Allows you to download the app file (.msapp) |
9 | Alt+F | Allows you to open the File menu |
10 | Ctrl+A | Allows you to select all components available on screen |
11 | Ctrl+X | Allows you to cut components |
12 | Ctrl+C | Allows you to copy components |
13 | Ctrl+V | Allows you to paste components |
14 | Ctrl+Z | Allows you to undo an action |
15 | Ctrl+Y | Allows you to redo an action |
16 | Ctrl+M | Allows you to add a new screen |
17 | Ctrl+= or Ctrl+Shift+= | Allows you to zoom In |
18 | Ctrl+- or Ctrl+Shift+- | Allows you to zoom out |
19 | Ctrl+0 | Allows you to fit canvas to page |
20 | Shift+Enter | Allows you to break a line in a formula |
21 | F5 | Allows you to open an App in preview mode |
22 | Esc | Allows you to close Preview mode, a dialog box, or a flyout pane |
23 | Tab | Allows you to select the next control |
24 | Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click | Allows you to select multiple objects at once |
25 | Right arrow | Allows you to nudge the selected control to the right |
26 | Left arrow | Allows you to udge the selected control to the left |
27 | Up arrow | Allows you to nudge the selected control up |
28 | Down arrow | Allows you to nudge the selected control down |
29 | F2 | Allows you to rename a control |
30 | Esc | Allows you to cancel renaming a control of a tree view pane |
31 | Ctrl+G | Allows you to group/ungroup controls of a tree view pane |
32 | Ctrl+] | Allows you to bring a control forward |
33 | Ctrl+[ | Allows you to send a control backward |
34 | Shift+Left arrow | Allows you to decrease width |
35 | Ctrl+Shift+Left arrow | Allows you toecrease width slightly |
36 | Shift+Down arrow | Allows you to decrease height |
37 | Ctrl+Shift+Down arrow | Allows you to decrease height slightly |
38 | Shift+Right arrow | Allows you to increase width |
39 | Shift+Up arrow | Allows you to increase height |
40 | Ctrl+Shift+Up arrow | Allows you to increase height slightly |
41 | Ctrl+B | Allows you to cycle through levels of bold of a text |
42 | Ctrl+I | Allows you to turn a text’s italic on or off |
43 | Ctrl+U | Allows you to add or remove underline from a text |
44 | F1 | Allows you to open the documentation |
45 | Ctrl+F6 | Allows you to navigate to the next landmark |
46 | Ctrl+Shift+F6 | Allows you to navigate to the previous landmark |
47 | Shift+F10 | Allows you to open a shortcut menu (Such as Tree view) |