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How to enable Admin Mode in Dynamics 365 / Model-Driven App ?

We will learn to enable Admin Mode in Dynamics 365 CRM / Model-Driven App. Before we start, make sure to subscribe to CRM Crate so that you can stay up to date in the field of Dynamics 365 CRM.

How to enable Admin Mode in Dynamics 365 CRM / Model-Driven App ?

What is Admin Mode in MS CRM ?

Enabling Admin Mode will prevent the non-administrative system users from accessing the environment. Administration Mode can be enabled for Sandbox, Production, and Trial (Subscription-based) instances. So once enabled, only the users with the security role of System Administrator and System Customizer can access the environment. Enabling the Administration Mode ensures that neither non-administrators nor administrators affect each other’s work.

How to enable Admin Mode in Dynamics 365?

Follow the below given steps for enabling the Administration Mode in the Dynamics 365 CRM / Model-Driven App.

  • Navigate to Power Platform Admin Centre ( and open the production environment in which you need to enable the Admin Mode.
  • Click on the Edit Environment as shown below.
  • In the edit window, enable the Administration Mode as shown below.
  • Post enabling the Administration mode, you will get the option to disable or enable the Background Operation. By default, this option is enabled. If you disable the Background Operation, it will disable all asynchronous operations like workflow, and synchronization with Exchange.
  • Now the Custom Message field is no more editable as it is being removed -> Click on Save.
  • After saving, the environment gets updated.
  • Once it is completed, you can see a notification on the Environment page stating that This environment is currently in administration mode, so only admins can sign in to it. You can turn off administration mode in settings’.

Thus, we learned to enable the Administration Mode in Dynamics 365 CRM / Model-Driven App.

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