CRM Crate

Difference between background and real time workflows

As mentioned in our previous post there are two types of workflows, the background or asynchronous workflow and the real-time or synchronous workflow.

Below is the difference between background and real-time workflow.

1. Rolls back all changes if it fails.1. Will not roll back changes if it fails.
2. Runs in “Real-Time” on the form. Changes will be noticeable instantly after saving.2. Runs in the “Background”. Changes will require a page refresh.
3. Successful process session is deleted.3. Can review all process sessions even after the success of workflow.
4. Requires more system resources.4. Requires less system resources.
5. Can run as user that triggers workflow.5. Runs as owner of the workflow. (Unless On-Demand)

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3 years ago

Awesome site man…

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