As the name suggest, the On-Demand workflow is the workflow which user runs on the demand. In other words the on demand workflow runs when there is a manually trigger made to run the workflow. This manual trigger can be accomplished via OOTB advance find or via JavaScript.
Now lets create an On-Demand workflow. Navigate to Settings -> Process -> Click the new Button

In the process template form enter the necessary information as mentioned below.

Now click on “Convert to Real Time workflow”. And later click on the check box “On Demand Process”.

Now navigate to “Add Step” and add your necessary step such as update record, create record etc. In our case we will consider updating the Account record as our On Demand process.

Once you have entered the necessary value in Update Account properties, click on Activate button.

Once the workflow is activated, lets test this workflow. Now navigate to Advance Find. Select the entity for which we created the On-Demand workflow, in our case we will select the Account entity.

Here, select the Account records which you want to update and now click on button “Run workflow”.

Now the window will get populated where you have to select the above created On-Demand workflow. Select the work and click on “Ok”.

Once the On-Demand workflow is completed, you will observe that the select Account records are updated as the workflow properties.
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