CRM Crate

How to change the Web URL suffix for your Model-Driven App?

In this blog post, we will learn to modify & change the website URL suffix for your Model-Driven App in a Power Platform environment. Before we begin, be sure to subscribe to CRM Crate to stay updated in the Power Platform domain.

How to change the Web URL suffix for your Model-Driven App?

A Model-Driven App in the Power Platform is an application that is built around data models and focuses on providing a structured user interface for interacting with that data. It allows users to access and manipulate data stored in underlying databases or data sources through a predefined user interface. Model-Driven Apps are highly customizable and can be tailored to specific business processes, making them ideal for managing complex data relationships and workflows within organizations.

Changing Web URL address suffix in Model-Driven App / Power App

The web URL for a Model-Driven App in the Power Platform typically follows the format:


Here, Replace <environment-name> with the name of your environment in the Power Platform, and <app-id> with the unique identifier (GUID) of your Model-Driven App. This URL will allow you to access and interact with your Model-Driven App through a web browser.

Further, you can change Web URL suffix by following the below steps.

  1. Sign-in to your Model-Driven App with a valid administrator credentials.
  2. Within the App selector window, locate your Model-Driven App and click on the three dots resembling the App Settings.
  3. Click on Manage Roles >> App URL Suffix.
  4. Here you can define the web URL suffix for your Model-Driven App which will act as a friendly name in the end of URL.
    In our scenario, we’ve chosen the suffix “CRMCrateDemo.” Consequently, the web URL for our Model-Driven App will be ““.
How to change the Web URL suffix for your Model-Driven App?
How to change the Web URL suffix for your Model-Driven App?

Therefore, following these steps will enable you to effectively alter the web URL suffix for your Model-Driven App within the Power Platform.

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3 months ago

Thanks for sharing. I read many of your blog posts, cool, your blog is very good.

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