CRM Crate

How to configure searchable fields for Relevance Search?

We will learn how to configure searchable fields for Relevance Search in Microsoft Dynamics CRM. For an online deployment CRM has given an out-of-the-box options for organizations of enabling the Relevance Search,which gives comprehensive results in a single list sorted by relevance.

Configure Searchable Fields For Relevance Search

In Microsoft CRM, the fields which you add in the out-of-the-box Quick Find view become part of the Relevance Search index. There is no dedicated limit on how many searchable fields you can add for each unique entity. However, there is a limitation on the total number of indexed fields.

The fields defined in the Relevance Search index are sourced from “Find Columns” on a “Quick Find View” and “View Columns”. The on a Quick Find View and  View Columns defines that the fields are displayed in the user interface by default when the matched results are returned. 

You can use the Quick Find view to define which fields appear as featured field when an user searches by using Relevance Search. All the View Columns with data types other than Single Line of Text and Multiple Lines of Text are marked as featured and are filterable in the index.  In Microsoft CRM, by default the first four featured fields in the Quick Find view for the selected entity are displayed as facets when an users search by using Relevance Search. There is a limitation where you can only have four fields selected as facets or featured.

Add your own fields as facets so that their data can be searched using Relevance Search.

Open your Dynamics CRM >> Settings >> Customize the System.

In the default solution >> Expand Component >> Entities >> Expand the entity for which you want to configure the searchable field for Relevance Search. In our scenario, we use consider the Relevance Search for Account entity.

Now click on Views and open the Quick Find view.

The Quick Find editor window should get open. Now we will add our own field in the Quick Find view columns so that they are been easily searchable in Relevance Search. Click on the “Add Find Columns” on the right hand side element panel.

Add the fields as per your need in the Find Columns views. After finishing publish your customization and validate whether your newly added fields are configured as Searchable Fields for relevance search.

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