CRM Crate

Quicky generate an API link to a Table Definition & Table Data in Model Driven App / D365

We will learn to quicky generate an API link to a Table Definition & Table Data in Model Driven App / D365. Before we start, make sure to subscribe to CRM Crate so that you can stay up to date in the field of Power Apps.

Quicky generate an API link to Table Defination & Table Data in Model Driven App / D365

Follow the below steps for generating an API link to entity definition & entity data.

  • Open Power Apps Studio (
  • Navigate to Solutions and open the solution which contains tables / entities as per your requirement.
  • Within the solution navigate to Tables. Select an entity of your choice, click on more >> Advance Tools.
  • Here, you can easily produce an API link for querying an entity definition and data from the Dataverse as shown below.

Below is the format for the API link generated for Table Definition.

https://<YOUR APP URL>/api/data/<VERSION>/EntityDefinitions(LogicalName='<YOUR ENTITY SCHEMA NAME>’)

Below is the format for the API link generated for Table Data.

https://<YOUR APP URL>/api/data/<VERSION>/<YOUR ENTITY SCHEMA NAME>?$top=10

Thus, we learned to quicky produce an API link to a an entity Definition & Data in Model Driven App / D365.

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