CRM Crate

Get to know the back end value of field Status (statecode) & Status Reason (statuscode) in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 365. The Microsoft Dynamics 365 provide field indicators throughout the application which guides us to know whether the records that we are looking up for are available to work or operate on or have already been deactivated, won, resolved, cancelled or no longer needed. These visual indicators are set using the field Status and Status Reason fields which are directly linked with each other.

Below are the front-end & back-end value of the field Status & Status Reason in few of the most used entities.

Entity Name Status (statecode) Status Reason (statuscode)
Account 0 Active 1 Active
1 Inactive 2 Inactive
Activity (activitypointer) 0 Open 1 Open
1 Completed 2 Completed
2 Canceled 3 Canceled
3 Scheduled 4 Scheduled
Appointment 0 Open 1 Free
2 Tentative
1 Completed 3 Completed
2 Canceled 4 Canceled
3 Scheduled 5 Busy
6 Out of Office
Article (kbarticle) 1 Draft 1 Draft
2 Unapproved 2 Unapproved
3 Published 3 Published
Campaign 0 Active 0 Proposed
1 Ready To Launch
2 Launched
3 Completed
4 Canceled
5 Suspended
Campaign Activity 0 Open 0 In Progress
1 Proposed
4 Pending
5 System Aborted
6 Completed
1 Closed 2 Closed
2 Canceled 3 Canceled
Campaign Response 0 Open 1 Open
1 Closed 2 Closed
2 Canceled 3 Canceled
Case (incident) 0 Active 1 In Progress
2 On Hold
3 Waiting for Details
4 Researching
1 Resolved 5 Problem Solved
2 Canceled 6 Canceled
Case Resolution (incidentresolution, notcustomizable) 0 Open 1 Open
1 Completed 2 Closed
2 Canceled 3 Canceled
Contact 0 Active 1 Active
1 Inactive 2 Inactive
Contract 0 Draft 1 Draft
1 Invoiced 2 Invoiced
2 Active 3 Active
3 On Hold 4 On Hold
4 Canceled 5 Canceled
5 Expired 6 Expired
Contract Line (contractdetail) 0 Existing 1 New
1 Renewed 2 Renewed
2 Canceled 3 Canceled
3 Expired 4 Expired
Currency (transactioncurrency) 0 Active 0 Active
1 Inactive 1 Inactive
Discount (discounttype) 0 Active 100001 Active
1 Inactive 100002 Inactive
E-mail 0 Open 1 Draft
8 Failed
1 Completed 2 Completed
3 Sent
4 Received
6 Pending Send
7 Sending
2 Canceled 5 Canceled
Fax 0 Open 1 Open
1 Completed 2 Completed
3 Sent
4 Received
2 Canceled 5 Canceled
Invoice 0 Active 1 New
2 Partially Shipped
4 Billed
5 Booked (applies to services)
6 Installed (applies to services)
1 Closed (deprecated) 3 Canceled (deprecated)
7 Paid in Full (deprecated
2 Paid 100001 Complete
100002 Parial
3 Canceled 100003 Canceled
Lead 0 Open 1 New
2 Contacted
1 Qualified 3 Qualified
2 Disqualified 4 Lost
5 Cannot Contact
6 No Longer Interested
7 Canceled
Letter 0 Open 1 Open
2 Draft
1 Completed 3 Received
4 Sent
2 Canceled 5 Canceled
Marketing List (list) 0 Active 0 Active
1 Inactive 1 Inactive
Opportunity 0 Open 1 In Progress
2 On Hold
1 Won 3 Won
2 Lost 4 Canceled
5 Out-Sold
Order (salesorder) 0 Active 1 New
2 Pending
1 Submitted 3 In Progress
2 Canceled 4 No Money
3 Fulfilled 100001 Complete
100002 Partial
4 Invoiced 100003 Invoiced
Phone Call 0 Open 1 Open
1 Completed 2 Made
4 Received
2 Canceled 3 Canceled
Price List (pricelevel) 0 Active 100001 Active
1 Inactive 10002 Inactive
Product 0 Active 1 Active
1 Inactive 2 Inactive
Quote 0 Draft 1 In Progress
1 Active 2 In Progress
3 Open
2 Won 4 Won
5 Out-Sold
3 Closed 5 Lost
6 Canceled
7 Revised
Service Activity (serviceappointment) 0 Open 1 Requested
2 Tentative
1 Closed 8 Completed
2 Canceled 9 Canceled
10 No Show
3 Scheduled 3 Pending
4 Reserved
6 In Progress
7 Arrived
Task 0 Open 2 Not Started
3 In Progress
4 Waiting on someone else
7 Deferred
1 Completed 5 Completed
2 Canceled 6 Canceled

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Understanding Status & Status Reason in Power Apps - CRM Crate
5 months ago

[…] Click here to know more about different Status Reason Codes for different tables […]

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